first day back into graphic design

it is as though the flame in my soul has been light again. by far nothing sparks it quite like learning the theory of design. it was likely my third lecture in first year where i was struck with the desire to design work that is not only aesthetically pleasing and powerful but pieces that have meaning, visually communicates the bigger message. my smile reaches my ears, my heart skips a beat, i become antsy at the very moment lectures begin. a few quotes, definitions and thoughts from today’s lecture….


Design creates a bridge,
between artistic intention and compositional conclusion. – Love it. Live it. Breathe it.


Design by Definition

As a verb, design can be defined four ways:
• To plan, delineate, or define
• To create a deliberate sequence of images or events, 
• To create a functional object
• To organize disparate parts into a coherent whole, 

As a noun, design can be defined as:

• A plan or pattern, such as the layout for a garden or a home
• An arrangement of lines, shapes, colors, and textures into an artistic
whole, as in the composition of a painting or sculpture


After our first exercise began, I learned I tend begin my process with convergent thinking, with the task of visually communicating an open ended problem I sought after answers, clarity and means to define the result. However in working with my team I was able to explore much more divergent thinking. I connected fish, onions and stones together. Our rational was little early but I was beginning to see the possibilities.  It was wild, the energy was elusive. Over-the- edge creativity is often messy and rarely occurs in an orderly progression. If you want to find something completely new, you will have to leave the beaten path. In divergent thinking, the means determines the end. The process is more openended; specific results are hard to predict. 

After a summer of practical learning, I am becoming enthralled in theoretical learning. Amen to 10 labs of exploration.


a bond beyond measures

This Friday, I said goodbye to my oldest and truest friend who changed my life nearly 10 years ago and everyday since taught me new lessons. My sweet mare Dj, is now 3 hours away in her new home. I will always always think of her as mine, we shared too many life changing moments, overcame so many hurdles for her not to always be in my heart as mine. I have the fondest memories from over the years and a thousand stories. I could share, below are a few ramblings of our journey.

From my first shows with her, trail rides in the 100 acre field, the day we bought her, the trainer who helped me overcome my fear of falling with Dj, the one and only time I fell off her, that late late night when we were being chased by a lunge whip. The speeding ticket on the way to the vets for her Hernia surgery… I vividly remember getting lost in ilderton, the first long distance trip my Mom and I had made with the truck, trailer and a horse on board. I will never forget the day I thought I was going to lose Dj, when we had a terrible accident on the way to out coaches for a lesson, my heart wrenched in pain when I saw the blood, the cut, the tendons. Every horse show morning after with my Dad singing “we’re off to the rodeo”, so much excitement, the green blazer, the broaches my Mom and I hand picked and hunted for, the blue and black suit, with silver embellishments which kills me everytime I look back and remember how awesome I thought I looked. Every class I tried my hardest … Dj without a care in the world. But I was always safe. I remember wanting to give up so many times, but my Mom always helped push through the rough times. I will always remember  the weekend we brought her to our home, camping out by the fire, watching her in her new humble abode. Oh my heart sank with fear and worry the weekend we had torrential downpours and flooding a week before the barn would be complete and all Dj had was her run in shed, and things my Mom and I did to try and keep her dry, because it just never stopped for 48 hours, soaking wet, mud, flashlights, rubber boots, blankets and rain sheets  … it was nuts. The day we won command at the Wainfleet Fall Fair is a proud moment my Mom will never forget, me either … our first ever successful flying lead change. 🙂 🙂 Oh the adventures my Mom and & I shared together with Dj.  I could write a book in great detail of the brilliant years we shared, together as a family with Dj. She was undoubtedly my best friend and the one constant part of my of my life from preteen to teenager and into adulthood. I learned to love for something greater then myself, to take of someone, humility and grace.  I learned about the meaning of life, love, family and friendship and I think anyone who hasn’t owned a horse and felt all of this is really missing out on getting ‘it’.

She has now taught my the hardest lesson of all, letting  go of someone you love. Letting Dj go was the right thing to for her, for a few reasons. One that got me through the week in waiting, was that there was someone out there that needed her, more then me. They needed her for all the reasons she came into our life, and she needed to give someone the world again, to change someone else’s life. The same way she changed and touched our  lives. I could not even begin to thank my parents for letting her come into our lives and embracing my love of horses.  Dj has a truly spectacular personality and gift to give. She is the kindest, quietest, most honest and forgiving horse. Together we built a partnership where she would never, ever put me in harms way, she in fact on several occasions saved me from harm. She gave me everything she had. A heart of gold. I can still hear her calls when I got off the bus, or when we pulled in the drive. I know in my heart she will do this for someone else, and bring nothing but greatness (and a little mess) and with that her new owners will give her endless love and attention. While it was and is right, I still fell apart and my heart has not mended. I know she was one in a million and I am so blessed I had 10 beautiful years with my girl Dj. In my heart, you will be ours, forever and for always.

Here are a few photos from our last few days together, I know I will see you again big girl.  Love you !

to see my beautiful girl in her new “digs” where she will be just as spoiled I am sure check out Brenda’s blog

in the morning light

My very first blog post, ouuu how exciting… I feel a little pressure to make sure it has the right tone to it, but to heck with that at this point ! I often over think things, (okay I over think everything !) Anyone out there also go into a bit a frenzie before a booked session ? Well meee too ! And that is exactly how I was for a recent Equestrian Lifestyle shoot. I’m going to share with you a few of my favourite images from session I had with Amanda and Champ… but first a little back story !

I photographed Amanda and Champ last year at my first sought after after Horse Show ‘gig’. After my first OP ‘gig’ being rained (more like hurricane flooding and storms!) out I was desperate to get back out there and keep learning ! The lighting, the timing, the position, the energy of a horse show… was just exhirlerating…I needed back in. I contacted every horse show, every barn, with a short pitch offering my services as a Horse Show Photographer. Of course with a very small portfolio, and the amount of people in the industry the odds were stacked against me. I was totally nervous ! Even just e-mailing a pitch was scary ! There was light at the end of the tunnel though, and I became the luckiest girl in the world with the opportunity to photograph the Parish Ridge schooling shows. I will get into my amazing experiences  there another time, but it was just  wonderful. I could (and will) write an entire blog post about it. (okay now I’m giving a back story to the back story 🙂 yes ! I loove the story! and, I ramble.)  Back to Amanda and Champ, who I had the honor of watching the compete, and photograph their courses in the Hunter Ring. A beautiful pair to watch for sure.

A year later, and she had booked me for a lifestyle session. I was thrilled. As we planned our morning out I became more and more excited, not only two beautiful models, a stunning facility,  she had wardrobe changes planned ! Eeeeeeeeek ! The setting was perfection, warm, blue skies, long grass and endless textures surrounding us !

The most enjoyable part was getting to know Amanda and Champ even more and being able see the connection they shared, and the partnership they had formed. It’s what makes my heart race in the preparation, and causes the squeals I expell when the moment is captured.  There truly is nothing that compares to the bond shared between a girl and her horse.  Good night internet world 🙂 And remember, there is no such thing as a perfect picture, there are only perfect moments.